Charles Bisbee's New England Patriots Extended Profile

Who am I?

Hi there,

I am a Boston-bred sports fan trying to make my way back into the city after spending a year working in northern Maine. Passions growing up have been (in this order): Celtics, Sox, Pats, New England Revolution, Boston Breakers, Boston Cannons, an assortment of other obscure Boston semi-professional teams, Boston Bruins.

Anyway, I'm new to this whole blogging atmosphere but, so far, I'm liking what I see.

I hope you enjoy!


State / Region




Email address

Mobile telephone

802 917-3213

AIM screenname

chazwhazza (Add Buddy, Send Message)


mowing the lawn, photography, sports, writing





Company / Institution

The Maine School of Science and Mathematics

Job Title

Residential Intern

Job Description

Dorm parent to twenty-four high school students at magnet school in Maine, member of English Dept.

I would like to ...

Successfully launch a career as either a sports reporter or photographer.

Career Goals

I'd really like to get my foot in the door as a sports journalist.

I also have a great passion for photography and would love the chance to become a sports photo-journalist.

Level of Education

College graduate

High School

Milton Academy

University / College

Franklin and Marshall College


English Literature

This site is not affiliated, owned, or controlled or otherwise connected in any way to the New England Patriots or the National Football League (NFL) or any of its entities.