
5 September 2012

With the 2012 NFL season fast approaching, pundits are busy serving up another round of fearless predictions. I enjoy reading these predictions because 1. they are bold and 2. more often than not they prove be woefully inaccurate.

Continue reading "Another Unpredictable NFL Season On the Way"

Posted by Charles Bisbee | No comments yet

21 September 2009

We heard about the rule change that bans the wedge on kickoff returns, but how will that impact the game? I was able to get Pete Cronan, a former nine-year NFL linebacker with the Washingt

Continue reading "Wedge vs. No Wedge"

Posted by Randolph Charlotin | No comments yet

13 August 2009

         Ah, summer's end. The kids are getting ready for school, the Pirates are firmly ensconced in last place, and hurricane season is in full effect. Time for some pre-season football!

Continue reading "Preseason: Vick, Stallworth, and ..."

Posted by Robert Evans | No comments yet

8 June 2009

This might be my first ever non-Patriots related blog posting but I've been kicking around these thoughts for a while and it's time to share them with the world.

I started blogging about the Patriots in late 2007 when the WGA writer's strike effectively left me with a paying job but nothing to do. I found an ad for this website on Craigslist, and the mention of making any money at all to do something like write about my beloved team sounded like at least a fun way to pass the time.

Continue reading "Oversaturation of the Sports Blogosphere"

Posted by Mike Dussault | 1 comment

19 May 2009

During the 2008-2009 season, an encouraging pattern appeared.  The Steelers would start the game well, at some point fall behind, and in the 4th quarter, Big Ben would engineer a game winning drive.  This phenomena reared its head during the regular season, but in the biggest game of the year, Super Bowl XLIII.  Why is the leader of such a sub par offense (22nd in the league during the regular season) the engineer of so many come from behind wins? When examined, two major reasons can be found.

Continue reading "Why Ben Roethlisberger Will be the ..."

Posted by Rob Preston | No comments yet

11 May 2009

Coming off a super bowl victory last season, hopes couldn't be higher for the 2009 Pittsburgh Steelers, as they should be.  While the team is returning 20 out of 22 starters from that super bowl run (only losing Larry Foote and Bryant Mcfadden), things begin to look bleak as we look at the possible roster a year from now.  In 2010, the Steelers will have an alarming number of key players that will be free agents if these players do not re-sign.

Continue reading "Trouble Ahead for the Steelers"

Posted by Rob Preston | 2 comments

13 April 2009

There's a debate that arises from time to time on any popular team message board, and that is whether or not it's okay for fans to say "we" when referring to their team.

"We really need let L.T. go, he's on his last legs," as opposed to "the Chargers have to get rid of L.T. because he sucks now and I am sick of watching him suck."

Continue reading "It's Okay Patriots Fans, You Can Say "We""

Posted by Mike Dussault | No comments yet

2 March 2009

Continue reading "NFL Quarterback Draft Class Showdown: 2006 vs 2005"

Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

28 February 2009

As football fans across the globe cast their longing eyes in the direction of the April draft, I decided that now might be a good time to reflect on draft classes of the last 10 years. Too often in this business, we rush ahead to the next big event without taking pause to evaluate the past and learn from it. In a way, this study will still be a celebration of the coming 2009 draft as I believe it will shed some light on certain overlooked trends that no one ever stops to consider. I will begin with a class by class showdown of sorts at the quarterback position over the last 10 drafts.  This is part III in the series:

Continue reading "NFL Quarterback Draft Class Showdown: 2004 vs 2003"

Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

27 February 2009

 As football fans across the globe cast their longing eyes in the direction of the April draft, I decided that now might be a good time to reflect on draft classes of the last 10 years. Too often in this business, we rush ahead to the next big event without taking pause to evaluate the past and learn from it. In a way, this study will still be a celebration of the coming 2009 draft as I believe it will shed some light on certain overlooked trends that no one ever stops to consider. I will begin with a class by class showdown of sorts at the quarterback position over the last 10 drafts.  This is part II in the series:

Continue reading "NFL Quarterback Draft Class Showdown: 2002 vs 2001"

Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

26 February 2009

As football fans across the globe cast their longing eyes in the direction of the April draft, I decided that now might be a good time to reflect on draft classes of the last 10 years. Too often in this business, we rush ahead to the next big event without taking pause to evaluate the past and learn from it. In a way, this study will still be a celebration of the coming 2009 draft as I believe it will shed some light on certain overlooked trends that no one ever stops to consider. I will begin with a class by class showdown of sorts at the quarterback position over the last 10 drafts.  First up, we have the class of 1999 taking on that of 2000:

Continue reading "NFL Quarterback Draft Class Showdown: 2000 vs 1999"

Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

25 February 2009

And with the first pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Detroit Lions select…

A) Matthew Stafford, QB, UGA

B) Eugene Monroe, OT, UVA

C) Aaron Curry, LB, WF

D)  Jason Smith, OT, BAY

Continue reading "And with the first pick in the 2009 ..."

Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

24 February 2009

 Talk all you want about the “potential” of Matt Stafford and Mark Sanchez, but if you’re looking for an immediate impact quarterback in the 2009 draft, look no further than the diminutive Pat White of West Virginia. To use the old cliche that probably became a cliche because it used to be considered an invaluable trait, the guy is simply a play-maker. Sure, he “only” stands 6′0 1/4 and weighs 197 lbs., but this is a player who isn’t afraid to put the team on his back in crunch time and make the game-deciding play. Still, the story of his life has been one of under-appreciation, and the tale of this year’s draft is looking like yet another chapter.

Continue reading "Standing Pat: The Case for Mountaineer #5"

Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

20 January 2009

The stage was officially set after Sunday's two Conference games for the 43rd Super Bowl. The Arizona Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Steelers both jumped over their last hurdles to go to the big dance. But don't ask either coach if they'll be satisfied with just making it. They want to win it! I'll bring you a in-depth 7 part preview of the big game as I'll give my prediction on the game on the 7th and final post. So let's get to it! This is the 'intro' post to the 7 part series.

Continue reading "Setting the Stage: Arizona Cardinals"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

12 January 2009

We always here about things like this happening in another town in a different county or in a different state altogether; events that have no bearing to our lives whatsoever. We walk into another school while on a basketball trip and see a glass case perched on a wall close to the entrance which has an asortment of different items arranged around a picture set in the middle. The pictures differ from town to town, sometimes it may be just a normal school picture of a student with small heirlooms hanging around the image, other times it may be a student's athletic picture and his or her varsity letter nearby. There always seems to be a small passage included that can be read, describing the person's life and passions. In every case though, the glass case holds the same meaning, a memorandum of a life taken too early.

Continue reading "To an Athlete Dying Young"

Posted by Jordan Newgard | No comments yet

8 January 2009

When I was a sophomore in high school playing on the JV basketball team, we went into our Christmas break undefeated and feeling pretty good about ourselves. Over the break we were scheduled to play one game against a team from the division below us. We practiced a few times, nothing too serious, and went into the game feeling good. But the week and a half layoff killed us and we lost by four, our only loss of the season.

Continue reading "Picks for the NFL weekend"

Posted by Jordan Newgard | No comments yet

25 December 2008

From Week 12 to Week 15 the Houston Texans showed great poise and determination. They started a 4-game winning streak in Cleveland in a defensive battle. Not overly impressive, but a win is a win in the National Football League. The team then dominated a displaced looking Jacksonville Jaguars team at home in the first Monday Night game in franchise history.

Continue reading "Still Important"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

22 December 2008

Usually I’m not one to consider a conspiracy in sports but the “flex schedule” set up by the NFL has gotten me perturbed to say the least. With their slaughter over the Cardinals last week the Patriots did their part in the efforts to make the playoffs. As luck would have it the Seahawks, allowing a glimmer of hope for New England, downed the Jets. In the final week of the regular season the Jets and Dolphins were to meet in an AFC East clash that will determine the fate of the division. With the entirety of the East playing at 1pm all of the NFL would know by early evening their AFC East divisional winner.

Continue reading "A Final Punishment?"

Posted by William Bogen | No comments yet

19 December 2008

Week 16 is off and rolling as the NFL season continues to wind down. Due to a busy schedule and some internet difficulties I was not able to bring you a Week 15 prediction post. But have no fear I'm back this week with a Week 16 post (yip yip hooray!) I went a miserable 1-3 in Week 14. With the season winding down, theirs several big games with playoff implications on the line. So without further a due....let's take a look at the games and predictions of the week.

Continue reading "NFL Week 16 Predictions"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

15 December 2008

A 1-point win never seemed so mammoth.

Yesterday the Houston Texans defeated the Tennessee Titans 13-12 in front of a jam-packed crowd at Reliant Stadium. With the win the Texans evened their season record at 7-7 and recorded their first 4 game winning streak in franchise history. Playoff chances have been done for weeks, but the Texans are still playing tough and like a team with a lot on the line.

Continue reading "Not This Time"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

9 December 2008

Another week is in the books in the National Football League as we head to Week 15. But first let's take a look back at the week that was...Week 14! (my tongue is getting twisted) Several surprising outcomes this past Sunday including a few of the games I picked. I went a disappointing 1-3 in my picks. Very poor performance on my part. I'm finally realizing I'll never have a grip on the NFL. It's the most inconsistent professional sport out there. Any team can lose on any given week. But enough sulking, let's get on to this week's Fallout Report!

Continue reading "NFL Week 14 Fallout"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

7 December 2008

Week 14 rolls along as Week 13 is officially history. I went 2-2 last week, picking again without any assistance from a Crystal Ball or a Crypt Keeper. Not a great performance by me, but I'm confident that my record will be better this week. So with that said, again without any assistance....let's kick things off with the Texans/Packers!

Continue reading "NFL Week 14 Predictions"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

2 December 2008

Week 13 is in the books as we are getting closer to the playoffs in the National Football League (still 4 weeks away, but with the way this season has flown bye, it won't be long!). Before I begin I want to apologize to my 3 readers for not keeping up with the Fallout Report. I'll have it on time (every Tuesday) from now until the playoffs. With that said, let's see how I did!

Continue reading "NFL Week 13 Fallout"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

28 November 2008

     With the Holiday Shoppers out and the economy in the tank, the wolves are out. . .Happy Holidays, and oh-Watch Your Back!!!         

Continue reading "Moron Message Board Returns!!!-Black Friday"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving all. The NFL is already in its 13th week of the season (hard to believe isn't it?). I went 3-1 in Week 12 (without any assistance from the Crypt Keeper once again, mind you). Since I've had luck with out any help from a Crystal Ball or a Crypt Keeper, I'll go at my picks alone again this week and hope the wins keep on coming! So let's dig in!

Continue reading "NFL Week 13 Predictions"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

26 November 2008

Seasons Greetings!!!!

     I am giving you a gift in this holiday season. Over the next few weeks most of us will spend our time meeting and greeting, traveling and shopping, and stuffing and laughing - so I thought that I would share one of my favorite pastimes, ogling and drooling.

Continue reading "Giving Thanks!-Houston Texans Cheerleaders Video"

Posted by John Barfield | 1 comment

25 November 2008

This is an ongoing record of the funniest sport quotes from the major and local sports talk shows like ATH, PTI, Jim Rome, etc.  Feel free to contribute some of you own from TV and radio or comment on the ones you see here. Your new quotes will be integrated daily as part of the ongoing record.  To post a quote or make a comment just follow the comment link at the bottom.

Continue reading "Funny Sports Quotes Returns!!"

Posted by John Barfield | 1 comment

24 November 2008

     No one is saying it. The networks and big newspapers love to ignore the WAC, Mountain West, and others as if they were a conservative Republican with no charisma. In my area, for example, the Utah-BYU game was not even on television. A game between two top 20 teams was unavailable. A game that would determine one of the schools in the BCS this season was a no-show.

Continue reading "BCS Automatic Conference Qualifier Could Be Added"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

22 November 2008

       Watch this weeks Fantasy Football injury report by Fantasy Sportsgirl.  After that, you can vote for your favorite Fantasy Sportsgirl of the season to this point by placing their name in our comment section. (Remember to look in the archives for past Fantasy Sportsgirls). Then, watch the end of the UAB vs. University of Arizona basketball game from the other night. This might have been the most jaw-dropping ending to a sporting event that I have ever seen. Tell us what you think.

Continue reading "Injury Report"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

20 November 2008

     As we do each week, we are providing fantasy football players with the best information in the most interesting format possible. So, enjoy your viewing of this video that is sure to bring you what you need and remind you of things that you want.

Continue reading "Videos of the Week-Fantasy Sportsgirl ..."

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

18 November 2008

         As the NFL reaches week 12, fantasy owners are positioning themselves for the playoffs. With only a few weeks before the fantasy playoffs begin, mid-season trades and quality free agent pick-ups could be the boost that your team needs to climb to the top of the mountain. So, as we do each week, we are providing fantasy football players with the best information in the most interesting format possible. So, enjoy your viewing of this video that is sure to bring you what you need and remind you of things that you want.

Continue reading "Watch Fantasy Sportsgirl Video for ..."

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

17 November 2008


           Last night, on Sunday Night Football, the Cowboys and Redskins met in a heated NFC East rivalry.  The ‘Boys came to Washington, sporting a 5-4 record, while the ‘Skins were 6-3.  The Cowboys welcomed back their offensive leader, Tony Romo, as well as Pro-Bowl corner, Terence Newman.  Dallas had already lost to the Redskins earlier this season, and this was a must-win game for the Cowboys. 

Continue reading "Back In The Saddle"

Posted by utopia1dc | No comments yet

     The Coach Gary Kubiak watch is officially on in Houston. Sure, the Houston Texans lost a hard fought battle to the perennially good Indianapolis Colts. The problem, however sad it is, is not that they lost; but the way that Houston is going about their special brand of losing.

Continue reading "Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts-Gary ..."

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

15 November 2008


As America (and London) prepare for the NFL’s week eight schedule tomorrow, these are bleak times. I know that this isn’t a political or social venue, but I just wanted to fire off some quick words of appreciation for our beloved sport. 

Continue reading "Why Americans need Football"

Posted by Dayne Duranti | No comments yet

13 November 2008

      As the NFL reaches solidly into the second half of the season, fantasy owners are positioning themselves for the playoffs. With big games this week, including the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Washington Redskins and the New England Patriots vs. the New York Jets, team and player match-ups should have an impact your selections. Mid-season trades and quality free agent pick-ups could be the boost that your team needs to climb to the top of the mountain.

Continue reading "Fantasy Sportsgirl video- Your place ..."

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

7 November 2008

   As the Houston Texans prepare for their game vs. the Baltimore Ravens, the season has reached a crossroad. On the plus side, the Texans' offense has begun to hit on all cylinders. The running game has been very productive and Matt Schaub and Andre Johnson have started their own airline company. Schaub-Johnson Airlines has flown more than Southwest flies from Houston to Dallas.

Continue reading "Texans vs. Ravens - "Crossroads" ..."

Posted by John Barfield | 1 comment

4 November 2008

Crime and Punishment in Big D 

           You don’t have to be a die-hard fan to know that the biggest reason for the Cowboys’ recent struggles has been Brad Johnson. As bad as the offensive line and defensive secondary have played at times, the fact that the former Super Bowl quarterback hasn’t looked like he could throw a stone in the ocean this season has to be Wade Phillips’ worst oversight since coming to Dallas two years ago. 

Continue reading "Crime and Punishment in Big D"

Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

31 October 2008


5. Jeremy Shockey (NO)—When he was acquired in the off-season from the Giants, many lauded the move. On paper, it truly seemed like a “win-win” scenario for both teams. One expert even went so far as to say that the outspoken tight end would have the same type of impact on the Saints as Randy Moss had on the Patriots in 2007 (sorry, Mr. Jaworski). Thus far, having played in 5 of 8 games, Shockey has 200 receiving yards, zero touchdowns, and two lost fumbles. Recently, he lashed out at his new organization for rushing him back on the playing field after he suffered a sports hernia earlier in the season. Even with crucial injuries at skill positions, the 4-4 Saints have had little trouble moving the ball on offense. If Shockey doesn’t score a touchdown shut up soon, he might find out the hard way just how expendable he actually is.


Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

This weeks video from the Fantasy Sportsgirl Team. Enjoy!

Continue reading "New Fantasy Sportsgirl Video and Picks"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

30 October 2008

From the moment in 2006 when Larry Johnson was spewing his dislike towards white coaches and applauding Herm Edwards because he's a black head coach and "gets it" his on-field performance took a nose dive.  After his fourth incident with the law involving women over the bye week I believe Dick Vermeil had Larry's personality pegged long ago.  Vermeil didn't want to draft him preferring to take a defensive player such as Polamalu or a D-lineman in the draft but Peterson insisted. 

Continue reading "Think Larry Johnson Might Want to ..."

Posted by Ryan Shuck | No comments yet

29 October 2008


2nd TEAM

QB = Drew Brees (NO): 2563 YDS 15 TD 7 INT 69% CMP 101.6 RTG

RB = Michael Turner (ATL): 655 YDS 6 TD 4.5 YPC, 3 CTH 11 YDS
         Marion Barber (DAL): 611 YDS 5 TD 4.0 YPC, 32 CTH 276 YDS 2 TD


Posted by Nolan Bennett | No comments yet

28 October 2008

A week filled with late game nervousness and dominant performances. The Texans were the ones doing the prowling as they tore apart the Bengals. 'America's Team' didn't look so sharp, but they found a way to win. The NFL brought a real shootout to London (hopefully no one was hurt!) and Brett Favre didn't look good for the second consecutive week, but thankfully for the Jets, they played the Chiefs. I'll cover those games in this week's Fallout report!

Continue reading "NFL Week 8 Fallout"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

27 October 2008

Tyler Thigpen played his heart out Sunday.  I was frantically dialing all my friends on my cell phone to see if anyone else was watching the spectacle that Thigpen was making of the Jets defense.  Of course only one friend picked up the phone and his response was "no I don't watch that joke of a team". 

Continue reading "Fourth Quarter of Chiefs at Jets ..."

Posted by Ryan Shuck | No comments yet

The Carolina Panthers are rolling! Led by Jake's new Arm the two heading monster at running back, and the Best Receiver in the League Steve Smith. He is Just amazing! For the Third straight game is ha

Continue reading "Steve Smith is my Hero!!"

Posted by CJ Washington | 1 comment

25 October 2008

This should be your lock of the week. The new trend in the NFL is teams out west coming east and playing has lost every game this year when the game is at 1:00 and this one is. Plus the Panthers are u

Continue reading "Panthers Vs. Cards"

Posted by CJ Washington | 1 comment

24 October 2008

Sun, Oct 26StadiumTime (ET)TicketsNetworkDIRECTV (HD)SIRIUSWestwood OneOAK @ BAL M&T Bank Stadium1:00 PM TicketsCBS705 (705) 144 (OAK)   119 (BAL)  ARI @ CAR Bank of America Stadium1:00 PM TicketsFOX708 (708) 155 (ARI)   91 (CAR)  ATL @ PHI Lincoln Financial Field1:00 PM TicketsFOX712 (712) 154 (ATL)   127 (PHI)  KC @ NYJ Giants Stadium1:00 PM TicketsCBS707 (707) 107 (KC)   123 (NYJ)  SD @ NO Wembley Stadium1:00 PM TicketsCBS704 (704) 110 (SD)   126 (NO)  STL @ NE Gillette Stadium1:00 PM TicketsFOX711 (711) 90 (STL)   121 (NE)  TB @ DAL Texas Stadium1:00 PM TicketsFOX709 (709) 118 (TB)   122 (DAL)  WAS @ DET Ford Field1:00 PM TicketsFOX710 (710) 152 (WAS)   129 (DET)  BUF @ MIA Dolphin Stadium1:00 PM TicketsCBS706 (706) 130 (BUF)   125 (MIA)  CLE @ JAC Jacksonville Municipal Stadium4:05 PM TicketsCBS714 (714) 125 (CLE)   122 (JAC)  CIN @ HOU Reliant Stadium4:05 PM TicketsCBS713 (713) 119 (CIN)   126 (HOU)  NYG @ PIT Heinz Field4:15 PM TicketsFOX716 (716) 91 (NYG)   127 (PIT)  SEA @ SF Candlestick Park4:15 PM TicketsFOX715 (715) 123 (SEA)   121 (SF)  Mon, Oct 27StadiumTime (ET)TicketsNetworkDIRECTV (HD)SIRIUSWestwood OneIND @ TEN LP Field8:30 PM TicketsESPN206 (73) 126 (IND)   Radio Byes: Bears, Broncos, Packers, Vikings

Continue reading "Fantasy Sportsgirl-New Today and ..."

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

According to, this is the injury statuse of key players in Week 8.

  Oakland Raiders  at   Baltimore Ravens 
NamePositionInjuryPractice StatusGame Status

Continue reading "Injuries-NFL Week 8"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

22 October 2008

In the Kansas City Chiefs continuing game of "Let's Make a Deal" they have chosen Quinn Gray over Daunte Culpepper and Bruce Gradkowski.  I watched Gray play a game or two for Jacksonville last year and while it wasn't spectacular he couldn't be any worse than Tyler "CFL" Thigpen.  Gray brings a combination of size and mobility, something the Chiefs sorely lacked in their quarterback options on the roster. Croyle and Thigpen are mobile but both are smallish quarterbacks.  Croyle can't stay healthy and Huard is an immobile weak-armed veteran. Thigpen doesnt step into his throws causing them to sail high and has awful pocket presence. Gray can't do any worse than these jokes that have been filling out the roster.     

Continue reading "The Chiefs Will Take QB Behind Door Number Two!"

Posted by Ryan Shuck | No comments yet

Wednesday Blast!

Somewhere the Tuna is smiling…

Hello Blast fans,

    It’s that time again, time to do some blasting and we got some great stuff from Frisco, KC and everywhere else. Now since there are an extremely large amount of blasts with a number of unsavory words. I take it upon myself to replace them and still keep the original statements intact.

Continue reading "Blasting Away!"

Posted by Luis Duran | 1 comment

21 October 2008

Fantasy Sportsgirl returns for a new week in the NFL. Feel free to comment.

Continue reading "Fantasy Sportsgirl"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

The jobless quarterback VW-Bus keeps on rolling with stale snacks and odd jobs on the side.  That's what I picture when teams start auditioning out of work quarterbacks.  I picture them all in the same VW-bus traveling city to city showering at rest stops hoping for a job somewhere in the NFL.  It looks like Culpepper and Gradkowski pulled their VW-Bus up to One Arrowhead Drive this week for tryouts. 

Continue reading "Daunte Culpepper? Is Moss coming too?"

Posted by Ryan Shuck | No comments yet

20 October 2008

         While surfing the internet recently, I have come to a sad conclusion-the Apocalypse is UPON US! The number of morons in America is staggering. I wrote a column several weeks ago talkling about what would happen if a star quarterback like Tony Romo was injured during the season.   Although the comments I have recieved here have been insightful,I was lambasted by some on other message boards for claiming that he indeed was injured. I found it laughable that they could not understand that a question was being raised. (Article is found in September Archives) Romo wasn't hurt. We all knew that. Now he is -  as well as Tom Brady, Carson Palmer, and Brodie Croyle. My staments on its effects on a team have also come true. But I digress.

Continue reading "Moron Message Board"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

 Here we go! After poor performances in the first few weeks of the season, the Texans are righting the ship. The Texans were like Ashlee Simpson singing live, but now they are much more like a digitally remastered version of Sinatra.

Continue reading "Matt Schaub, Brian Griese, and other Musings"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

All year long everyone have been on the Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants and the rest on the NFC East bandwagon! Now with the Dallas Debacle and the Redskins now back to earth, except for

Continue reading "NFC South is the Best"

Posted by CJ Washington | No comments yet


The Day After the Blowout

Hello East fans,

    Okay so my predictions were way off, well not by much except for the thrashing in St. Louis, I really think it is code red in Big D. The Skins got away with one at home against the resurged Brownies. The G-men handled the Whiners the way you should, let them beat themselves. Let’s start off with the biggest upset in the NFL since the previous week.

Continue reading "The East...the day after the blowout"

Posted by Luis Duran | No comments yet

Someone put this team out if its misery. Are there enough adjectives to describe just how poor this team is? In summary, a portly, short-yardage back burst off-tackle untouched for an 80 yard touchdown. That's right Lendale White the guy who has been getting grief from Titans fans for his out of shape body and slow feet burst untouched for an 80 yard touchdown. He averaged 8.8 yards per carry on the day. The Titans' "feature" back Chris Johnson in an attempt to run down the clock followed up that 80 yard plodding touchdown with a 66 yard effort. In all the Chiefs allowed 323 yards rushing. They allowed two backs to top 100 and each back averaged 9 yards a carry. Those are video game stats.

Continue reading "Put The Chiefs Out of Their Misery"

Posted by Ryan Shuck | 2 comments

19 October 2008

Crystal Croyle limped off the field in the second quarter and the Chiefs' "QB of the Future" proved once again he is not capable of remaining healthy through a single game let alone an entire season.  I think it is time to cash in your chips on that hope.  Croyle was 9 for 10 on the day so he was having a promising start but promising starts don't equate to wins and has been said many times availability is sometimes better than raw ability.

Continue reading "Crystal Croyle Out in 2nd Quarter"

Posted by Ryan Shuck | No comments yet

18 October 2008

             Here is this week's NFL game picks by Fantasy Sportsgirl. Will the Colts beat the Packers? What about Cleveland and the Redskins? What will happen to the Cowboys? You can read the experts picks, but I get my in formation in prettier packages. I love ESPN, Fox Sports, CBS Sportsline, Sports Illustrated, and all the others, but when all is said and done-more is said than done. As for the Fantasy Sportsgirls - when all is seen and heard, more is seen than heard. Take a look at Sportsgirls picks for this week.  After watching, feel free to post comments and other suggestions.

Continue reading "Picks for this week by Fantasy Sportsgirl"

Posted by John Barfield | 1 comment

16 October 2008


Fantasy Sportgirl is a great way to get your fantasy player information. 

Check here a few times a week for updated Fantasy Sportsgirl videos,

as well as humurous sports' quotes, and columns about a variety of sports issues.

Continue reading "Newest Fantasy Sportsgirl Video."

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

This is an ongoing record of the funniest sport quotes from the major and local sports talk shows like ATH, PTI, Jim Rome, etc.  Feel free to contribute some of you own from TV and radio or comment on the ones you see here. Your new quotes will be integrated daily as part of the ongoing record.  To post a quote or make a comment just follow the comment link at the bottom.

Continue reading "Funny Sports Quotes-October 16, 2008"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

15 October 2008

   Fantasy Sportsgirl for this week includes comments on Randy Moss.

Continue reading "Fantasy Sportsgirl Back Again"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

The Wednesday Blast



Continue reading "Blast AWAY!!!!!"

Posted by Luis Duran | 1 comment

14 October 2008

      It happened. It really happened. The Detroit Lions did something smart. The trade of Roy Williams has got to bring some hope to the historically horrific franchise-not because Roy can't play, but because the Lions have just turned one first round pick(Roy Williams) into several picks. Let's face it. The Lions need picks, but what they really need is players.

Continue reading "Hope in Mo-Ville"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

      4th and Goal

      A few seconds left in the game

      Houston down

      What does the offensive guru call?-A fade to the dominating Andre Johnson?-A run with rookie sensation Steve Slaton?-A pass over the middle to big Owen Daniels? No,a quarterback draw with slow footed Matt Schaub. GREAT CALL!

Continue reading "The Quartback Draw"

Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I like a little violence, in sports that is. I think most people who like sports agree. The biggest reactions from spectators usually occur after a big coll

Continue reading "Violence Has It's Place"

Posted by Seth Mott | No comments yet

13 October 2008

It was a Sunday of last second heroics. 5 games were decided in the closing seconds. A few of them killed me in my pick-ems. I went 1-3 in my picks in my weekly dig here! Bah humbug as Ebenezer Scrooge would say. Despite my hideous pick skills again (grr!) it was a good Sunday of professional football. Instead of covering each game like I did last week here, I'll cover the games that were the more 'exciting on the weeks' slate'.

Continue reading "NFL Week 6 Fallout"

Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

11 October 2008

NFC East

Week 6

Hello East Fans,

Well after a week of Hiatus to curse the football gods for my team’s embarrassing losses. I felt a preview of the Best division in Football was the only way to quench the thirst. Every team in the division except for Washington is on the road, let’s start with the leaders of the pack.

Continue reading "The East!"

Posted by Luis Duran | No comments yet

10 October 2008

Week 5 is in the books. I went 2-2 last week (3-1 if the Texans would have hold on to the lead) but anyways...We put Week 5 in the history books and we open up a new chapter: Week 6! Just like last we

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Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

A brand new fantasy sportsgirl video for this week. Who to start? Who to sit?

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Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

9 October 2008

Wow! In five short weeks we went from the Cowboys as the Super Bowl Favorites, to are they even the best team in the NFC East.  Now I will give you this, the Redskins are shocking every

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Posted by CJ Washington | 3 comments


Once again, Adam don’t call me “Pac-man” Jones has made the headlines.  And when Mr. Jones makes the headlines, it usually isn’t good news!  Early Wednesday morning, Pac-man allegedly got into a “scuffle” with one of his security guards at a hotel in Dallas (read more here).  The police were called, but no charges were filed.  Is this much ado about nothing…or is Adam facing a possible suspension! 

Continue reading "Rush To Judgment"

Posted by utopia1dc | 5 comments

8 October 2008

Last night, we lost another star to the pre-season. Antawn Jamison went down with a knee injury after playing only 4 mins. Which begs the question why do we need a pre-season anyway. Now the Washin

Continue reading "I hate Pre season"

Posted by CJ Washington | No comments yet

  Check out Fantasy Sportsgirl every week-always here at my site!

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Posted by John Barfield | 1 comment

7 October 2008

Since Mr. Reggie Bush has been in the League he has been in the new a lot. From the Scandal at USC, to dating Kim Kardashian, to being over-hyped. Last night he was in it for the right reasons. During the Monday Night Game The Saints VS the Viking, it was build as Peterson Vs Bush, and everybody thought that All Day was going to do just that and run all day and night against the saints and that lowly defence. To everyone's surprise it was Mr. Bush that sole the show with almost 300 yards of total offence which is more that twice the Kansas City put up in the defeat at the paws of my Carolina Panthers Sunday. In the second he took over the game in i way in my 27 years i never seen a scat back as the call him do with two punt returns that he was clocked at running over 21 mph with 20lbs of equipment on.Reggie Bush no matter what they try to call him scat back, specialty player, or whatever  he is none other that a football player.  He single took the game over and if it was for the saint kicking game and their penants and turnovers they would have won the game. He also set two NFL records most receptions by a player to start a carrer, and two punt returns in the same game is one also he hold that with others. Since he has been drafted they have been waiting for him to live up to the hype. Let me be the first to tell you the wait is over. Church

Continue reading "Reggie, Reggie, Reggie"

Posted by CJ Washington | 1 comment

          The crystal ball was two up and two down for the week.  Even though that is an improvement, it still doesn’t cut it!  Good thing this is for entertainment purposes only…or I would be in the poor house!  Let’s take a look back and see what happened: 

Continue reading "Week 5 Review"

Posted by utopia1dc | 2 comments

6 October 2008

It was an interesting week in the National Football League. A few surprises, a big meltdown by one team and one bruised and battered team found a way to win a big prime-time game. Let's get right to it--game by game.

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Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet


           Yesterday, the Eagles lost another heartbreaker to a division foe, the Washington Redskins, 23-17.  The Eagles stand at 2-3 and in 4th (last) place in their division.  They have now lost two division (3 conference) games…and that does not bode well for play-off considerations.  Though it’s still early in the season…the sky may be falling! 

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Posted by utopia1dc | 5 comments

3 October 2008

First off, I want to introduce myself. My name is Jake, I live in Houston. I'm glad I found this place. I've read a lot of bloggers material today from predictions to their favorite teams' rants, it's great. I enjoyed it. Sports, baby sports!

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Posted by Tex787 | No comments yet

The Crying Game pt. 2

Hello NFL fans,

    Here we are again with the on going drama that is the Valley of the Departed, or as you know them, the Dallas Cowboy fan base. You see after the critically acclaimed article The TO Story, there was only one thing I could do, make a crappy sequel! This sequel would not have been if not for the despicable actions of the Dallas Cowgirls and their equally brain dead fan base.

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Posted by Luis Duran | 1 comment

           Each week, on Friday, I will look into my (never wrong, just misinformed) crystal ball and give my predictions for that weekend games.  I will always prognosticate on the Eagles and Cowboys games and then pick two more games of interest (to me, that is, not necessarily to you).  Keep in mind, that this is for entertainment purposes only, and that I do not endorse any sort of legal or illegal gambling.  That being said…let’s see what’s in my crystal ball!

Continue reading "Predictions Week 5"

Posted by utopia1dc | 3 comments

2 October 2008

    Kellen Clemens never saw him. When the young quarterback dropped back in the pocket with six minutes left in the second quarter, he thought he had Jerricho Cotchery open on an out route. With little hesitation, he gunned the ball in the direction of his top receiver and watched it go for six. Unfortunately, for Clemens and Jets fans, those six points belonged to the opposing team, the Dallas Cowboys. Cornerback Terence Newman easily undercut the route and used his world-class speed to return the pass 50 yards down the sideline for his first touchdown of the season. Broken and overmatched, the Jets would lose the contest 34-3.

Continue reading "PICKING ON THE BENGALS"

Posted by Nolan Bennett | 1 comment


           Bill Belichick, Head Coach of the New England Patriots, was accused by Al Davis of “tampering” with Randy Moss prior to their trade a year ago.  The Raiders received a 4th round pick as compensation in the deal.  Davis alleges that the Patriots had a secret workout with Moss prior to the negotiations, which would violate NFL rules.  Bill (here’s a surprise) denies the accusation. 

Continue reading "...Then It's Probably A Duck!"

Posted by utopia1dc | No comments yet

1 October 2008

Much has been said and written about Terrell Eldorado Owens…so why should this week be any different?  It shouldn’t!  Mr. Owens had some comments that he made after the Cowboys lost to the Redskins.  He wants the ball more…gee, that’s a surprise?  He wants the offense to go through him…again, I was shocked?  He wants to be involved early and often…okay, now I am just down right astonished? 

Continue reading "Much Ado About Nothing"

Posted by utopia1dc | 10 comments

30 September 2008

           This week two head coaches were relieved of their duties…fired!  First, Scott Linehan of the St. Louis Rams, and now, Lane Kiffin of the Oakland Raiders, why?  Jim Haslet replaced Linehan.  What’s the difference, the Rams are horrific!  Kiffin is being replaced with O-line coach, Tom Cable…who?  Yeah, that’s right, I never heard of him either! 

Continue reading "Instant Gratification"

Posted by utopia1dc | 1 comment

The Crying Game

The Terrell Owens story

Hello NFL fans,

Well here we are, week four of the third year with his last team. This will be his last team, I truly believe that. If I were an owner I would rather get a letter full of anthrax and then imprisoned IN Cuba to spend the rest of my days. The continuous onslaught of reporters and fans condemning my name and wanting my head on a stick would be too much for me to bare.

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Posted by Luis Duran | 3 comments

29 September 2008

Eagles -VS- Bears

Windy city Debacle

Hello Eagles fans,

Well what can we say after that wonderful gift we delivered to the city of Chicago. I felt sick for about three hours after the game, I didn’t want to be talked to or even wanted anything to do with stats and sports of any kind. After the Dallas game I knew we let one get away. After last night it became infuriating and now I just want Sunday to come so we can really find out what kind of team we have.

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Posted by Luis Duran | 2 comments

           Once again, my crystal ball failed me.  I don’t understand what happened…I shined it up last week.  I even purchased a stand for it…so now it sits on top of the mantel.  I’ve treated it with the utmost respect.  For who?  For what?  (Yes…that was a shot at Ricky Watters!)  Once again, I was one up and three down last week…not good…awful…embarrassing even!  I have to do something different for next week…maybe I will punish it…have it stand in the corner…or give it a time-out!  Something has to give…and I’m not backing down!  Let’s take a closer look and see what went wrong: 

Continue reading "Week 4 Review"

Posted by utopia1dc | No comments yet

NFC East

Week 4

Hello East fans,

Since there was only on division game this week the world was focused in Dallas.

The G-men were off this week and off out scowering jail cells for their great wide receiver. I am sure they will have enough time to bail him out since he ahs been suspended for a game for missing a team meeting. The Skins were in town to try and upset the undefeated Cowgals.

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Posted by Luis Duran | No comments yet

27 September 2008

           The other day, Rashard Mendenhall (Rookie RB for the Pittsburgh Steelers) sent his buddy, Ray Rice (Rookie RB for the Baltimore Ravens) a text message.  So why is that football news?  Because LB Bart Scott of the Ravens made it so!  Mendenhall’s text was only intended for his buddy Ray.  It claimed how great of a day Rashard was going to have against the vaunted Raven’s Defense.  Ray Rice took it upon himself to let his defense know about the text message…Bart Scoot took offense.

Continue reading "Bulletin Board Material"

Posted by utopia1dc | 2 comments

26 September 2008

              The economic “crisis" is not that complicated. The stock market always wants positive press to continue its trading

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Posted by John Barfield | 1 comment

The Blast 1.5

Hello Blast fans,

I know I was making this a weekly blog for all those problems with everyone’s teams. But the response to the Blast has been overwhelming and some of these are just to funny to wait any longer. Keep on emailing and commenting I love posting up what you guys want to say about your teams.

Continue reading "More blasting!"

Posted by Luis Duran | 1 comment

           Each week, on Friday, I will look into my (never wrong, just misinformed) crystal ball and give my predictions for that weekend games.  I will always prognosticate on the Eagles and Cowboys games and then pick two more games of interest (to me, that is, not necessarily to you).  Keep in mind, that this is for entertainment purposes only, and that I do not endorse any sort of legal or illegal gambling.  That being said…let’s see what’s in my crystal ball!           

Continue reading "Predictions Week 4"

Posted by utopia1dc | 2 comments

25 September 2008

           On Saturday night, I relearned a lesson I already knew.  Often times, we need to be reminded of lessons we learned as a child.  When we were children, things were simpler.  We didn’t judge, we just played with everyone…all the other children were our friends.  We learned to judge, as we grew older.  Our teachers always taught us right from wrong…but did we listen? 

Continue reading "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover"

Posted by utopia1dc | No comments yet

This is an ongoing record of the funniest sports' quotes from the major and local sports talk shows like ATH, PTI, Jim Rome, etc.  I missed a few during Hurricane Ike and could use your help. Feel free to contribute some of you own from TV and radio or comment on the ones you see here. Your new quotes will be integrated daily as part of the ongoing record.  To post a quote or make a comment just follow the comment link at the bottom.

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Posted by John Barfield | No comments yet

24 September 2008


Hello NFL fans,

Well I am going to start up something new for all those NFL fans who have a lot to say but can’t get it out, enough. I have a lot of people writing, calling and just talking to me about the things that irk them about the NFL to include players, coaches, mascots, ticket prizes, play calls, cheerleaders…yes even that. I recently decided why not make a weekly manuscript about the things that hurt the fans, I know many legions of people out there are upset about their teams in some way shape or form. This is how we are going to do it every Wednesday, since it is the most boring day of the football week. Mondays and Sundays are game days. Tuesdays are layovers from the previous games and we seem to have nothing available in the middle of the week, until Friday when you get into college football mode.

Continue reading "Wednesday Blast!"

Posted by Luis Duran | 1 comment

23 September 2008

             Just the other day my cousin Domenic (Cuz) called me.  He wanted to let me know that our cousin from Italy was coming for a visit in October, and to call me a cockroach.  The term cockroach was coined, or at least he uses it the most, by Howard Eskin of WIP (local sports radio).  Eskin uses the term to refer to Cowboys fans, mostly who live in the Philly area.  This got me to thinking (dangerous, isn’t it?)…In today’s politically correct society, and the diverse society we live in, I, a cockroach, was offended.  At my wife’s school (she is a school teacher), they promote diversity with a huge campaign.  In a nutshell, it’s to let everyone know that we are different and that we should understand and respect others points of view.   

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Posted by utopia1dc | 5 comments

22 September 2008

NFC East

Week 3

Hello East fans,

After some great games this Sunday, it is time to analyze the teams in our great division, because no other division really matters in this league. Well let’s start off by evaluating the G-men, whom I really don’t know what to make of just yet. They struggled against a winless, defenseless Bengals team that looked like their season has just started. They went in at halftime losing by three but in reality it could have been more if their D-line had not stepped up and sacked Palmer at the end of the half. Their offense looked somewhat anemic against the bottom feeding defense, if we can even call it a defense of the Bengals.

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Posted by Luis Duran | 1 comment

           Today I am taking my lumps, and licking my wounds.  I was 1-3 on my predictions for Week 3.  Though I take great pride in my prognosticating skills, I must blame the crystal ball for this one.  Granted, I should have known better, because I purchased it at Dollar Tree…what do you expect for a dollar?  Maybe I will “Windex” it before this week’s prediction, so it isn’t so cloudy and hazy.  Lets take a closer look at what happened: 

Continue reading "Week 3 Review"

Posted by utopia1dc | 3 comments

20 September 2008

Falcons (-6.5) over Chiefs

    This matchup is going to come down to the Quarterbacks. Matt Ryan will play like he did in week one. He has all the skills great arm, good mobility in the pocket, and good at reading defenses he just has to perform on Sundays. Thigpen is not the answer for the Chiefs although he didnt look bad last week.

Continue reading "NFL Week 3 Predictions"

Posted by Thomas Camann | No comments yet

19 September 2008

     Each week, on Friday, I will look into my (never wrong, just misinformed) crystal ball and give my predictions for that weekend games.  I will always prognosticate on the Eagles and Cowboys games and then pick two more games of interest (to me, that is, not necessarily to you).  Keep in mind, that this is for entertainment purposes only, and that I do not endorse any sort of legal or illegal gambling.  That being said…let’s see what’s in my crystal ball! 

Continue reading "Predictios Week 3: Round-Up"

Posted by utopia1dc | 1 comment

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