Randolph Charlotin's Comment Wall

Randolph Charlotin's comment wall

Mike Dussault
Tuesday 16th June 2009, 6:15pm
I actually work for a production company based at Sony. We do a lot of TV shows (Two and a Half Men, upcoming Strahan show Brothers on Fox). The WGA strike basically shut us down because we do all our business thru WGA-sactioned writers. I was lucky to not lose my job.
Mike Dussault
Tuesday 16th June 2009, 2:25pm
Thanks for the comment. Hope you're well, this is the worst part of the year for us football fans. Should be a fun season, bought tix to the opener. Couldn't resist Brady's Return, throwback unis, and TO all on MNF. The countdown has begun. Let's do some roundtable action again this year. Best, Mike

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