Randolph Charlotin's New England Patriots Extended Profile
Who am I?
I'm a versatile and creative writer with professional experience. I wrote for The Boston Globe, covering high school games in a variety of sports from 1997-2000. I worked the 1998 season for the New England Patriots, writing for the team newspaper, Patriots Football Weekly, and the web site patriots.com. Years later I covered high school sports for the West Roxbury-Parkway transcript. Currently my articles appear on realgmfootball.com. I also contribute to bostonscore.com
State / Region
Email address
video editor/video coordinator
Company / Institution
New England Cable News
Job Title
Job Description
edit video, record feeds, assign stories to editors, ensure all video elements are completed for the various shows, record feeds, tune in liveshots (microwave or satelite)
Career Goals
I want to return to working in sports. Whether as a video editor or a journalist, it's what I'm passionate about.